Volterraio Castle and a Beach Of Course; this is Elba Island

How many beaches are there on Elba Island?  Let me count range.  The diversity of activity on this small beautiful island is what makes bells and whistles go off in my heart knowing that I have found my land of choice.  After three hours lying on lounge chairs accompanied by an umbrella for about 15Euro for two people, and playing procadima on the rocky sand, Massy and decided to go back to our apartment, have lunch and then head out to hike up to Castello Volterraio.

Checking out the specks surrounding the Castle.

I tried hard to find the right lighting to capture the depth of this landscape.  The hills roll back and beyond what this photo offers.

Volterraio peeks at the one of the highest points on Elba, giving it a large breadth of view to anticipate attack from the ocean -- as well as other useful things.  Massy and I created many stories about the type of lifestyle these people had living isolated in such great privacy inside those castle walls.  We laughed the whole hike down returning to the car.

It's hard to see the Castle, but it's located at the top of the right peek.

The hike was not too steep, as it threatened in its distance, however it was the worse because you constantly inclined on loose gravel so gaining solid ground was not easy.  Sometimes, especially on the way down you had to slide down a few steps and just hand on to air and flap your arms like they were wings.  

One of the more isolated properties on Elba, right below the Castle.

It was a good feeling, and a touristic shot I was happy to take.
A little more perspective of the view from the Castle, and we had not even reached the top yet.

One of the first view points and stations for the Castle

There was this bright orange moss growing on the Castle walls.

And for some reason this reminds me of a dream I had years ago and I don't know what it was, only that I've been in this moment before, and it's strange when you get those types of feelings.

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