November 3, 2017

Moving to Italy is a thing to be done very slowly . . . and then take another moment to prepare yourself . . . to move even slower. A most difficult proficiency to perfect is becoming one with the reality of store (basic-life-retailers) operational closing and opening hours. If you've never been to Italy, life shuts down during lunch -- a very long lunch -- like 1pm-3:30pm. There is really nothing you can do either than sit your ass down and eat and drink. Nothing is open other than the restaurant or bar. Don't even think of needing something at the store. You, my friend, are shit out of luck.

On the very tall end of the stick I had grilled squid today for lunch, doused with fresh olive oil, perfectly salted. All vegetables on the table come from the garden -- fresh is the lettuce Massi's mom went and picked minutes prior to tossing, and frozen from an earlier harvest was the spinach she boiled and piled on the plate like a primi piatti. Bruno's favorite was nonna's patate frite immersed inside a pot full of clean Italian oil, perfectly crispy.

Today we are buying new phones as our American ones will not transfer and are looking at an Agritourismo to stay for the first five months during their off season to give us time to "move slowly" and eat our daily lunch and drink our daily drink while searching for a new home. Cheers to taking it slow.


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